Tagged content for microsoft

New Microsoft Keyboard

New Microsoft Keyboard

New Microsoft Keyboard

New Microsoft Keyboard

New Microsoft Keyboard

New Microsoft Keyboard

Steve Ballmer Developers Remix

Steve Ballmer Developers Remix

Steve Ballmer from Microsoft remixed.
Steve Ballmer Developers Remix

3D Windows

3D Windows

The newest version of Microsoft Windows will be 3D!
3D Windows



Funny viral ad for Windows Live Messenger. This one features carrier pigeons.

Message in a Bottle

Message in a Bottle

Very funny viral ad for Windows Live Messenger. Why not to send a message in a bottle...
Message in a Bottle

Bill Gates Says Vista Sucks

Bill Gates Says Vista Sucks

It's official, Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates has confirmed that the latest release of Windows, named ...
Bill Gates Says Vista Sucks

Flight Simulator X

Flight Simulator X

Tricky flight sim designed to simulate paper planes.
Flight Simulator X

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