Tagged content for noob

Scooter Crash

Scooter Crash

The perfect way to test your new scooter...
Scooter Crash

Unlucky Wheel of Fortune Contestant

Unlucky Wheel of Fortune Contestant

She was lucky until she opened her mouth.
Unlucky Wheel of Fortune Contestant

Epic Kite Fail

Epic Kite Fail

Epic Kite Fail

WoW Meltdown

WoW Meltdown

This complete freak raises the bar for meltdowns when his mom cancels his WoW account. OMFG
WoW Meltdown

Wii Tennis Fail

Wii Tennis Fail

Always check before you swing.
Wii Tennis Fail

Black Ops Freak Out

Black Ops Freak Out

Guy goes crazy..
Black Ops Freak Out

Watermelon Fail

Watermelon Fail

Watermelon head smash FAIL.
Watermelon Fail

Backflip Fail

Backflip Fail

It's Backflip Time!
Backflip Fail

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